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#116: theo 31.12.2017 - 17:10:56
mein cap kreis ist auf einmal weg wo muss ich wieder drauf gehen
#115: Budyx69 29.12.2017 - 00:51:16
Hi clandaries
#114: Clandaries 28.12.2017 - 18:37:16
Doch, geht ;)
#113: Clandaries 28.12.2017 - 18:33:01
Kurze Frage, gibt es den Spruch "Paanzer" nicht mehr, wenn ein Feind gesichtet wurde?
#112: Clandaries 28.12.2017 - 18:18:00
Moin moin alle zusammen
#111: Budyx69 27.12.2017 - 11:34:36
Moin doc49. im moment keine Ahnung? Was soll falsch laufen? Was macht Wot? Sehe nur, dass Du Ambiente nur in Teilen installiert hast.
#110: doc 49 27.12.2017 - 09:22:35
https/ Moin, kannste mal schauen was da bei mir mal wieder falsch läuft, gruß doc49 >
#109: Equalizer2000 21.12.2017 - 22:53:00
Thanks for the tip!! It worked like a charm. And it also works with the update from today!! The complete WWIIHWA modpack works with the latest update!
#108: Budyx69 20.12.2017 - 18:26:20
@Equalizer2000: this Bug comes from Bankloader Mod. Follow way: 1. Install aslain with engin sound, 2. start wot. 3. close Wot, 4. Install Ambiente and delete Bankloader
#107: Equalizer2000 20.12.2017 - 13:32:55
After many tries I found wat is causing the conflict. It was the mod "Engines sounds The Second World War Day after day" from Gnomefather. When this mod was installed the game started and flashed to desktop just before the login option. Loaded untuill about 75% and then back to desktop and reloaded again.
#106: Equalizer2000 17.12.2017 - 14:41:26
Both mods: https/
#105: Equalizer2000 17.12.2017 - 14:40:48
WWII Only: https/
#104: Equalizer2000 17.12.2017 - 14:40:29
WWII Only: https/
#103: Equalizer2000 17.12.2017 - 14:39:24
Thanks Buddy. I always play the game with your mods along with Aslain's modpack. I always install Aslain first and then WWII. Always worked fine. I've tried to install Aslain first and the WWII. And I also tried WWII first and then Aslain. Both give the same bug. When I try to play with only WWII It works fine. So it must be a conflict between the Aslain and WWII. But whhich one. I"ll upload 2 python files. One with only WWII and the other is Aslain and WWII combined. I hope you can see which mod is conflicting. Thanks in advance!!!
#102: Budyx69 17.12.2017 - 11:18:47
@Equalizer2000 - i have no problems with loop. please send me the python.log file
#101: Equalizer2000 16.12.2017 - 20:44:40
When i install the modpack the game ens up in a loop. Keep getting game loeading, then flashes to desktop and again game loading. This keeps on going. Anymore having these problems?
#100: Budyx69 16.12.2017 - 13:07:05
ist online Mette
#99: Mette 14.12.2017 - 21:19:31
Moin. gibts schon ein update für ?
#98: vveyhecstr 10.12.2017 - 18:55:33
#97: Albus 01.12.2017 - 19:50:44
das ist gut, danke
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